Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sketchup Model of the Original Penn Station in New York

On October 29th, 1963 workers began demolishing a architectural masterpiece in New York City, just 53 years after its construction was completed. At the current site of Madison Square Garden, the building was designed to stand 500 years but lasted just 1/10th of that. It was a beaux arts jem and the pinnacle of architect Charles McKim's career.

At this link you can find a 3d model, based on McKim, Mead and White (McKim's architectural firm) published plans and many photos and even some film.

Many of those photos are show here, with a similarly placed SketchUp "camera".

My goal with this model was to get a feel for walking within this lauded building since it is now impossible to do so, and to thereby understand better the great sense of loss described by those who are old enough to have first hand experience with this great building.

I have to say that by downloading and viewing (viewer available here) this model you too can get a sense of this historic building.